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Jakarta mosque becomes a haven for Indonesian Chinese to practice Islam

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Located on Jakarta’s bustling Lautze Street, surrounded by ordinary gray shops, this building with a yellow exterior is particularly eye-catching. The red overhang echoes the roof profile of a traditional Chinese temple, and the red arched wooden door hints at the welcome inside.

At first glance, the building could be mistaken for a Chinese temple. The Louzi Mosque was built in 1991 by Haji Junus Jahya, a Chinese-Indonesian businessman, reflecting his interest in encouraging Chinese assimilation with the indigenous Malay community.

“Haji” refers to his pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad.

Ustaz Naga Qiu (meaning “dragon” Islamic teacher) said that the place where the mosque is located used to be a general store, originally owned by the famous Indonesian Chinese nationalist Haji Kari The place occupied by the foundation founded by Haji Karim Oei.

Because Junus originally wanted the Chinese to integrate with other Indonesians, the mosque blends in with its surroundings. But in 2000, “after President Abdulrahman Wahid brought equality to Chinese Indonesians, the face of the mosque began to change,” Naga said.

It also reflects how Junus’s attitude towards integration had changed before his death in 2011.

unstable relationship

Indonesia’s centuries-long relationship with its Chinese neighbor has been fraught with violence.

Under Dutch colonial rule in the early 17th century, the Dutch East India Trading Company employed thousands of Chinese and Malay low-wage laborers to work on plantations and mines.

The company often fomented divisions between different groups to prevent them from uniting against the company and forced the Chinese to live in separate areas. Attacks on the property of Chinese merchants and large-scale massacres of Chinese began in 1740, when approximately 10,000 people died on the island of Java.

The Rauz Mosque among the shophouses in Sawah Besar district in Central (Jakarta. Devianti Faridz and Ahadian Utama/Voice of America)

The Rauz Mosque among the shophouses in Sawah Besar district in Central (Jakarta. Devianti Faridz and Ahadian Utama/Voice of America)


苏哈托强迫中国居民起更多印尼风格的名字并携带身份证件,并禁止使用汉字和节日庆祝活动。 1997-1998年的金融危机最终迫使苏哈托辞职,印尼华人在雅加达骚乱中再次因其所谓的财富而成为攻击目标。


新加坡管理大学人文学科助理教授夏洛特·塞蒂贾迪 (Charlotte Setijadi) 表示:“反华言论仍然非常活跃,而且隐藏在表面之下,只要政治环境适合,就可以将其用于政治动员的目的。”研究印尼华人身份政治,2023 年告诉半岛电视台。

2024 年 3 月 16 日,劳兹清真寺,一名中国穆斯林传教士协助一名印尼华裔妇女。  (德维安蒂·法里兹和阿哈迪安·乌塔玛/美国之音)

2024 年 3 月 16 日,劳兹清真寺,一名中国穆斯林传教士协助一名印尼华裔妇女。 (德维安蒂·法里兹和阿哈迪安·乌塔玛/美国之音)

这使得劳兹街的这座引人注目的建筑更加引人注目,尤其是在斋月等假期期间,参观的人会更多。 今年印度尼西亚的斋月从3月11日晚上开始,到4月9日日落时结束。

自成立以来,劳兹清真寺一直是印尼非穆斯林华人向华人了解更多伊斯兰教知识的中心。 清真寺每周举行一次会议,新穆斯林可以学习如何进行沐浴和祈祷以及学习《古兰经》。

卡里姆·奥伊 (Karim Oei) 的儿子、现任劳兹清真寺管理基金会主席的哈吉·穆罕默德·阿里·卡里姆·奥伊 (Haji Muhammad Ali Karim Oei) 表示,该组织在万隆和其他地方以及雅加达建造了清真寺,并帮助 1800 多名华人皈依伊斯兰教。伊斯兰教。

“我们所有的清真寺都位于华人社区或唐人街附近,”他说。 “俗话说‘入虎穴才能捉小虎。’”


本周早些时候,西爪哇省代理州长贝·马赫穆丁 (Bey Machmudin) 在劳兹清真寺 2 进行了塔拉维祈祷。

纳加说,大多数来到雅加达劳兹清真寺的非穆斯林都是计划与穆斯林妇女结婚的企业员工。 这位伊斯兰教传教士说,许多非穆斯林中国人很好奇,如果他们皈依伊斯兰教,如何才能维持中国的文化习俗。


67 岁的埃科·坦 (Eko Tan) 是一名穆斯林皈依者,居住在雅加达,经常在劳兹清真寺祈祷,他说自己从小就是一个无神论者。 伊斯兰教以其合乎逻辑的信仰方式吸引了他。

拥有心理学学士学位的埃科在接受美国之音印度尼西亚语采访时告诉美国之音印度尼西亚语,劳兹清真寺隶属于穆罕默德迪亚伊斯兰组织,“该组织的教义符合我的逻辑。 对我来说,《古兰经》就像一本应用心理学的书。”


停车服务员埃科表示,雅加达的大多数清真寺都不为穆斯林皈依者提供指导或培训。 他补充说,作为劳兹清真寺中国穆斯林社区的一员,他感到很安心。



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Surja, a dedicated blog writer and explorer of diverse topics, holds a Bachelor's degree in Science. Her writing journey unfolds as a fascinating exploration of knowledge and creativity.With a background in B.Sc, Surja brings a unique perspective to the world of blogging. Hers articles delve into a wide array of subjects, showcasing her versatility and passion for learning. Whether she's decoding scientific phenomena or sharing insights from her explorations, Surja's blogs reflect a commitment to making complex ideas accessible.