Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to create superintelligent ‘AGI’. here’s what it means

reported by, Shaurya Sharma

Last updated: January 19, 2024, 11:10 IST

Menlo Park, California, USA

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has publicly expressed his interest in creating “Artificial General Intelligence” or AGI, as it is commonly called. It is a type of artificial intelligence that will surpass human intelligence in most fields. But unlike other companies, they intend to responsibly open source it and make it available to the public.

Announcing this on Meta’s X (Twitter) rival threads, Zuckerberg said in a video that developing the best AI chatbots and assistants requires advancements in AI and AGI. Zuckerberg said, “It has become clear that the next generation of services requires building full general intelligence.” He added, “Our long-term vision is to build common intelligence, responsibly open source it, and make it widely available so everyone can benefit.”

Notably, this comes as companies including OpenAI, Google, and Meta are investing heavily in generative AI, and are looking to enhance their core functions by leveraging the large language models (LLMs) behind popular chatbots like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and more. Constantly looking for new ways. , and Meta AI. Recently, Google launched its latest generation models of the Gemini, LLM family, which includes the Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano. Meta has also introduced its new Llama 2 LLM, which is now contributing to real-world use cases like the Meta AI chatbot and Ray-Ban Meta smartglasses.

Meta, in particular, is taking a big step by “bringing together” its AI research teams. It is also building new infrastructure to house about 350,000 H100 GPUs from Nvidia, which it plans to have by the end of the year.

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What is Artificial General Intelligence?

Many industry experts and AI scientists have expressed concerns about AGI and how runaway superintelligence could be harmful to humanity. For example, before the OpenAI board removed Sam Altman as CEO, the company’s staff researchers wrote a letter to the board of directors expressing concern that a powerful artificial intelligence discovery could threaten humanity, Reuters reported. told.

But what exactly is AGI, you ask? Well, for starters, it will have the ability to come up with a new solution to a task with which it is unfamiliar – finding a solution, if you will – just like a human being. These systems are said to have a complete understanding of how computing works, but no company has yet been able to create AGI.

OpenAI, Meta’s rival in the generative AI field, notes that “If AGI is successfully built, this technology could elevate humanity by increasing our abundance, turbocharging the global economy, and aiding the discovery of new scientific knowledge.” “that change the boundaries of possibilities.” ,” but at the same time, “AGI will also come with serious risks of misuse, catastrophic accidents, and social disruption.”

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Justin, a prolific blog writer and tech aficionado, holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Armed with a deep understanding of the digital realm, Justin's journey unfolds through the lens of technology and creative expression.With a B.Tech in Computer Science, Justin navigates the ever-evolving landscape of coding languages and emerging technologies. His blogs seamlessly blend the technical intricacies of the digital world with a touch of creativity, offering readers a unique and insightful perspective.

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