April Aniston, an American who is 5 feet 9 inches tall, is an entertainer, model and computer content creator. Born in Colorado, April began her career at the age of 18. On this page we try to reply to most of the inquiries related to April such as her significant other, age, lover, level, April Aniston account, Wiki, bio, total assets, Photos etc.

April Aniston Wiki (April Aniston Biography) in a Nutshell

full name April Aniston
Other names/nicknames April Harmon
gender female
date of birth January 12, 2000
age 23 years
place of birth Colorado, USA
zodiac signs Capricorn
Profession Model, performer, digital content creator
husband unmarried
Boy friend single/unknown
religion Christianity
the language she speaks English
Race Caucasian
Country of Citizenship American

Education and Careers

She has produced over 70 films/videos. April began her career when she was 18 years old. Before entering the industry, she also worked in a restaurant, but the income was not enough. She decided to enter the adult entertainment industry for financial reasons.

Why is she famous?

She is famous for her career.

Height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.

high 5 feet 9 inches (approximately)
weight about 50kg
hair color blonde
eye color green

Access via virtual entertainment and different stages?

Instagram – Now
YouTube – now
Twitter – North America
TikTok – Now
Facebook – North America


We went through many sources on the web but could not find any data about April Aniston’s family like her father, mother, sisters, brothers or other relatives.


It is not clear whether she is married, so there is no name of April Aniston’s spouse here. Likewise, it is unknown whether she is single or married, so there is no name of April Aniston’s boyfriend here.

Total assets

April Aniston has earned her money by working as an entertainer in the adult entertainment industry. She earns cash through membership based platform, affiliates/advertising or other unknown means.

Her total assets are approximately over $500,000. Despite this, she has never freely revealed her true compensation anywhere.

more about

whether she smokes or doesn’t drink
It is not clear whether she is a vegetarian or a non-vegan lover.
She has tattoos on her body, such as –
In the upper left corner it says “With pain comes strength”.
April enjoys skiing, snowboarding, climbing, hiking, and more.
She loves sailing and has now traveled to countless destinations.
Harmon loved animals and she also had a dog.
She uses an iPhone.

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