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Students in this village of Manipur stand guard while preparing for exams

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Students in this village of Manipur stand guard while preparing for exams

There are many people who spend most of their time in bunkers outside their villages.


Sekhochon Haokip, a 19-year-old student preparing for Class 12 board exams, guards his village in Manipur’s Kuki-zo dominated Kangpokpi district.

There are many others, like the Haokip, who spend most of their time in bunkers outside their villages, where they both guard and study for their exams.

The Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur (COHSEM), is conducting the Class 12 Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) examinations from Wednesday amid the continuing caste violence in the state.

At least 5,000 students have skipped board exams in Manipur. While around 36,000 students were registered, only 31,351 students, including 8,100 in arts stream, 22,631 in science and 620 in commerce, are taking the exam at 111 centers across the state, said Takhelambam Ojit Singh, chairman of the council. That the examinations are going to end on March 23.

Of the total number of centres, 36 are in the 10 hill districts, and 75 are in the six valley districts.

The council has canceled three examination centers and made arrangements for their students to move to nearby safe places.

70 flying squad teams have been arranged by the Council for the smooth conduct of the examination and to prevent unfair means.

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Pooja Sood, a dynamic blog writer and tech enthusiast, is a trailblazer in the world of Computer Science. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Pooja's journey seamlessly fuses technical expertise with a passion for creative expression.With a solid foundation in B.Tech, Pooja delves into the intricacies of coding, algorithms, and emerging technologies. Her blogs are a testament to her ability to unravel complex concepts, making them accessible to a diverse audience. Pooja's writing is characterized by a perfect blend of precision and creativity, offering readers a captivating insight into the ever-evolving tech landscape.