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More than 90 killed as boat sinks off Mozambique coast

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More than 90 killed as boat sinks off Mozambique coast

Nampula is the most affected region, accounting for one-third of all cases. (representative)


An overcrowded makeshift ferry sank off Mozambique’s north coast, killing more than 90 people, local authorities said on Sunday.

The converted fishing boat, carrying about 130 people, ran into trouble while trying to reach an island near Nampula province, officials said.

“The ship sank because it was overcrowded and unfit to carry passengers… A total of 91 people lost their lives,” Nampula Secretary of State Jaime Neto said.

He added that among the victims were many children

Rescuers have found five survivors and are searching for more, but sea conditions are making operations difficult.

Neto said most passengers tried to flee the mainland because of panic caused by false information about cholera.

The southern African country, one of the world’s poorest, has recorded nearly 15,000 cases of the water-borne disease since October and 32 deaths, according to government data.

Nampula is the most affected region, accounting for one-third of all cases.

The official said an investigation team was working to find out the cause of the sinking.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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Pooja Sood, a dynamic blog writer and tech enthusiast, is a trailblazer in the world of Computer Science. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Pooja's journey seamlessly fuses technical expertise with a passion for creative expression.With a solid foundation in B.Tech, Pooja delves into the intricacies of coding, algorithms, and emerging technologies. Her blogs are a testament to her ability to unravel complex concepts, making them accessible to a diverse audience. Pooja's writing is characterized by a perfect blend of precision and creativity, offering readers a captivating insight into the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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