Faye Reagan is an American adult entertainer from Las Vegas, Nevada. When she was a young child, she moved with her family from Nashville, Tennessee, to Nevada. On this page, we have tried to solve the vast majority of queries related to her such as spouse, age, lovers, rank, accounts, Faye Regan wiki, Faye Regan biography, total assets, photos, and more.

Faye Reagan Wikipedia (Faye Reagan Biography) Introduction

Real name/birth name Faye Gillian Henning
full name Faye Reagan
Other names/nicknames Faye Reagan, Faye
gender female
date of birth September 19, 1988
place of birth Nashville, Tennessee
age 35 years old
Profession actor
zodiac signs Virgo
marital status unknown
brother/sister/brother/sister/child 4 siblings including Faye
religion Christianity
the language she speaks English
Race Caucasian
Country of Citizenship American

Education and Careers

In 2007, at the age of 19, she started her adult entertainment career. As of October 2023, she has produced more than 430 movies/videos.

Why is she famous?

She is famous for her career.

Height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.

high 5 feet 6 inches (approximately)
weight About 55kg
hair color blonde
eye color blue

Availability on social media and other platforms?

She is not very active on social media platforms. We found an account on Instagram where she had 12,000 followers. However, this is a fan account.


She joined Twitter in March 2009 and to date, she has posted more than 800 tweets. On Twitter, she follows more than 20 people, including more than 100,000 people who follow her. She hasn’t tweeted anything since 2011.

Instagram – That
YouTube – now
Twitter – available
TikTok – Now
Facebook – North America


In her family, she is the eldest child among 4 siblings (including her).

Father unknown
Mother unknown
brother 1 younger brother
elder sister 3 sisters including her
relatives unknown
friends unknown


It is unknown whether she was married, so Faye Reagan’s husband is not named here. Additionally, her name was added along with Georgia Jones and Dane Cross. Currently, it is unclear whether she is single or in a relationship, so there is no name of Faye Regan’s boyfriend here.

net worth

She may have multiple sources of income. However, she is currently actively working as an adult actress.

monthly income $50,000
net worth all time US$2 million

Note: The above income is only an estimate. She has never disclosed her actual earnings anywhere, so the above earnings may be higher or lower than her actual earnings.

more about

  • It was unclear whether she smoked or drank alcohol.
  • It is unknown whether she was a vegetarian or a vegetarian.
  • She loves animals and has a cat at home.

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