Cabinet reshuffle could happen within days, says Ben Wallace – video

Outgoing defence secretary, Ben Wallace, contributed to rumours of an imminent cabinet reshuffle on Tuesday, suggesting that one could occur in the coming days or weeks. Speaking on a panel at the Future of Britain conference, organised by the Tony Blair Institute, Wallace revealed that he had conversations with senior civil servants and government officials who indicated that the reshuffle might take place either this week or at the beginning of September. He stated: ‘It is going to happen … either this week or the first week of September. That’s just the way it is.’

During the panel, Wallace also discussed his reasons for stepping down as defence minister. He explained that since he had no intentions of seeking re-election, he believed that Rishi Sunak could assemble a more effective campaign with a defence secretary who intended to stay in the role. Wallace also expressed his desire to leave on his own terms.

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