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Ben Stokes also joined Virat Kohli in pushing for changes to the DRS rule. England Great Counters cricket news

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File photo of Ben Stokes and Virat Kohli© BCCI/Sportzpix

England captain Ben Stokes once again expressed his disappointment over the ‘umpire’s call’ rule in the decision review system, which is plaguing his team on the India tour. Stokes, reflecting on the dismissal of England opener Jack Crawley in the second innings of the Rajkot Test, suggested how ‘the umpire’s call’ caused the visiting team to lose a wicket, despite the fact that the ball was ‘clearly in the air’. Was missing the stumps. While former England captain Nasser Hussain agrees with Stokes’ disagreement over Crawley’s dismissal, he does not agree with the idea of ​​removing the ‘umpire’s call’.

Stokes is not the only high-profile cricketer to suggest removing ‘umpire’s call’ from DRS. Even former Indian captain Virat Kohli had suggested the same recently. But, Hussain once again explained that it is important to have the umpire’s call as it covers the ‘error margin’ in technique.

“The technology may be wrong but I have always been very firm on the fact that I like DRS and I also like the umpire’s call. Look at the shamozal with VAR in football. It is not like that at all in cricket. Stokes and others like Virat Kohli might want to get away with it but the umpire’s call is not for the safety of the officials, it is because of the possibility of an error in technique,” Nasser Hussain wrote in his letter. daily mail column,

When it came to the dismissal of Zak Crawley, Hussain also agreed with Stokes, saying that the England batsman should not have been given out as visuals showed the ball missing the stumps.

“Note, there have been some changes to the system and the ball can now hit the top of the bails. LBWs to Ollie Pope and Jack Crawley looked high in the third Test but they have increased the height by 1.3cm. One thing on which “I would agree with Ben. The visual of Crawley getting out shows that the ball is missing the stumps. If that’s the case then you can’t do that,” he said.

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Pooja Sood, a dynamic blog writer and tech enthusiast, is a trailblazer in the world of Computer Science. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Pooja's journey seamlessly fuses technical expertise with a passion for creative expression.With a solid foundation in B.Tech, Pooja delves into the intricacies of coding, algorithms, and emerging technologies. Her blogs are a testament to her ability to unravel complex concepts, making them accessible to a diverse audience. Pooja's writing is characterized by a perfect blend of precision and creativity, offering readers a captivating insight into the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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