Mark Ruffalo (aka Hulk) confirmed to star in Captain America: Brave New World

Published by: Disha Sharma

Last updated: February 13, 2024 10:55 US Standard Time

Mark Ruffalo, best known for playing Bruce Banner in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), has announced that he will return as the Hulk in the upcoming film Captain America: Brave New World. The news was revealed during a discussion at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Ruffalo’s revenge on the iconic character sets the stage for an epic conflict between him and Tim Blake Nelson’s Samuel Lied Sterns. The encounter marks the first time the two characters have met on the big screen in 15 years, and is expected to provide fans with an exciting showdown when the film premieres in theaters in 2025.

While a standalone Hulk movie may not be happening, as Ruffalo hinted during the conversation, his return alongside new Captain America Sam Wilson (played by Anthony Mackie) marks the character’s first A continuation of the journey since his origins, originally by Edward Norton, 2008. Ruffalo most recently contributed to What If? “The Hulk’s voice in “. Season 2 also hinted at his continued involvement, with his last on-screen appearance dating back to 2022’s She-Hulk.

Watch the interview here:

Brave New World promises to show the evolution of the Hulk character and may even feature a thrilling confrontation between the Hulk and Harrison Ford’s Red Hulk character, General Ross.

However, major details about the plot of Captain America: Brave New World are still being kept under wraps. Building on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the film is expected to delve deeper into Sam Wilson’s journey as he takes on the role of the new Captain America and earns the public’s trust.

Director Julius Orner teased the film’s tone as a paranoid thriller, and recent reshoots under the supervision of “Moon Knight” screenwriter Matthew Orton were intended to deliver the best possible version of the film. In addition to Ruffalo and Nelson, the return of Liv Tyler as Betty Ross has further increased expectations for a Hulk movie revival.

Amid rumors that Tatiana Maslany could star as She-Hulk alongside her cousin Bruce Banner, this is the topic of discussion among insiders. While a She-Hulk season 2 seems unlikely, considering the connection established with Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox), Marvel’s strategy to elevate the character in the MCU That could lead to her involvement in Brave New World or even Daredevil: Rebirth . Other actors confirmed for the film include Danny Ramirez, Carl Rubley and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, with Sheila Haas playing Sabra and Sosa Rockmore and WWE’s Seth Rollins.

“Captain America: Brave New World” is set to premiere in theaters on February 14, 2025, adding an action-packed addition to the MCU lineup.

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